Welcome to Our Lady of Sion School Early Years & Junior School

At Our Lady of Sion Junior School, we passionately believe that happy children thrive; every child’s wellbeing is always our first priority. We work hard to develop a strong home-school partnership and excellent communication.

With an inspiring, creative and dynamic curriculum, children are supported and challenged at every stage of their learning journey. At the heart of all we do, we foster a love of learning, nurturing enquiring minds and stimulating excitement in the world around us. Building resilience and developing an aptitude to be solution-focused rather than problem-driven, we are preparing children for the future that is not yet known.

Our highly-qualified, passionate and enthusiastic teachers engage children in a curriculum which is truly relevant to them. We seek to inspire and nurture talents which enable children to flourish and we are ambitious for their outcomes.

Children benefit from being taught in small form groups throughout their time in the Junior School, with the added benefit of specialist teachers for Music, Physical Education and French. As part of our ongoing preparation for Senior School, Year 6 are also taught Science by teachers in the Laboratories. We pride ourselves on the consistency of our approach and excellent level of pastoral care. Every child is known and they know that they are known.

Every stage of the children’s academic development is carefully tracked, monitored and reflected upon, so that their needs are met. Using GL Assessment enables us to make diagnostic assessments of the children’s key skills, enabling a truly tailored programme of development as they progress through the school.

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We would love the opportunity to discuss your child’s future journey at Our Lady of Sion School.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Watch our Video

Please take time to view our video to get a glimpse into Our Lady of Sion School.

Book a Tour

We would love the opportunity to showcase our facilities on a personal tour of Sion School.
Please register interest by clicking below.


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The moment you enter our bright, airy and spacious Early Years building you will experience the warmth, security and family environment that our children and parents love. It’s a happy, busy place, full of energy and purposeful activity – a hive of academic engagement. Our caring, innovative and passionate staff, using their wealth of experience, ensure every child is instilled with a love of learning and a thirst for discovery.

Junior School

With an inspiring, creative and dynamic curriculum, children are supported and challenged at every stage of their learning journey. At the heart of all we do, we foster a love of learning, nurturing enquiring minds and stimulating excitement in the world around us. Building resilience and developing an aptitude to be solution-focused rather than problem-driven, we are preparing children for the future that is not yet known.

Extra Curricular

We run a range of different clubs during the year aiming to offer something for everyone. These may run during break time/lunchtime or after school, some are for all children and some are limited to year groups. The clubs change from term to term. Most clubs are free although some, such as Gymnastics, are run by an outside organisation and have a cost attached. Cookery asks for a small contribution for ingredients.


“It is so nice to belong to a community of friendly teachers and parents alike that has been so warm and welcoming. I couldn’t be happier.”


“Thank you for all your input and support  – not only have we noticed huge improvements in her academic ability, but the improvements in her emotional well-being is so heartening to see.”


“Sion has made an amazing difference to my son in less than a year. Such an inspiring school.”


School Fees

Fees and Charges 2023/2024

Termly Fee

From £3,335 (£834 monthly Direct Debit)

EYFE Government funding can be applied to nursery sessions.
Fees are subject to annual review


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Contact Us

If you would like to book onto our next open day please contact our Admissions team.
We look forward to welcoming you at Our Lady of Sion School.